28 August 2007


September's Baccalaureate
A combination is Of Crickets -- Crows -- and Retrospects
And a dissembling Breeze
That hints without assuming --
An Innuendo sear
That makes the Heart put up its Fun
And turn Philosopher.
--Emily Dickinson

I will give 5 points extra credit to any student who writes out in green ink the poem "September" by John Updike and turns it in by Tuesday, September 4.

This painting is "School House on the Hill," by Diana Digonis, 2004.

20 August 2007

Welcome Back to School!!!

Welcome back students! It is the beginning of another exciting school year here at HVA. Don't forget your syllabus quiz on Thursday! Check back here for more announcements, pictures, and extra credit opportunities!

19 August 2007

Happy Registration!!

This new school year is going to fantastic!!

09 August 2007

Picnic for Seniors

The Class of 2008 will have a picnic and planning meeting at my house on Sunday, August 12 at 6:00 p.m. Bring some food and your ideas for the school year!!

03 August 2007

Class of 2008

Hey Seniors!! You can go to my other webpage to view your t-shirt options: www.jasonandjenpayne.com.

You are invited to a picnic supper at my house on Sunday, August 12, at 6:00 p.m. We will have fun and games and food, but we will also do some planning for the school year!

For the picnic, if you could contribute by bringing something to eat, that would be great! If the last names Bagirimvano - Kawlni could bring chips, and the names Lee - Rice could bring a dish like potato salad, etc, and Shull - Zollman could bring soda, that would be really helpful!!

See you soon! Are you ready for an awesome year?!!!